May you please pray that the Lord wil deliver me and my family from this situation that we are in.
1 prayers
Patience peace kindness mercy grace
0 prayers
My daughter stays with me this weekend and we go to the valley of the flowers and have fun
0 prayers
Comfort for me and blessings between me and my daughter
0 prayers
Blessings between my parents and md
0 prayers
Basically, can you help me get a job as a CHRISTian Radio Disc Jockey
1 prayers
Please pray for Sean he has heart problems and is very skinny he need prayers to get rid of it thank you
3 prayers
Please pray for Dave's bloodwork turns out good
Comprehensive / metabolic panel
Lipid panel
3 prayers
May you please that the Lord protect and save y younger brother. May you please pray for my younger brother's salvation. May you please pray family's salvation that what the Lord is about to deliver them from that will not go back to. I genuinely want to say thank you for your prayers.I earnestly do appreciate it.
3 prayers
Dia Welker
It is heavily weighing on my mind to start giving my monthly tithe to this radio station. I haven't been to my church in years. I turn to this station when I'm happy when I'm sad and for worship. I listen to this station on my echo and dot. It is always playing in my car and when I do outside chores. I don't know what I would do if this ministry ever has to stop. This radio station is a big part of my life and who I am. I feel my money would make a bigger impact on people than giving to a church that I don't attend.
I would like to mail a monthly donation on the 1st of every month and mail it to the radio station. I notice that this isn't an option on your web site and I was wondering if this would be acceptable to you? Also, would a monthly donation still be tax deductible at the end of the year? As long as I'm able my donation would be $800 a month.
May all have a Blessed day!
Dia Welker
2 prayers

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